Brings together relevant stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem to participate in solution-oriented discussions on strengthening and streamlining research to market efforts in Kenyan research institutions and universities. The goal of the summit is to foster innovation and entrepreneurship to create jobs and wealth.
Ian serves as Manager Innovation and Commercialization at the Kenya National Innovation Agency.
At the Agency, Ian is responsible for the development and implementation of innovation and commercialization strategies and initiatives, driving the development of favorable policy, champion and create awareness on intellectual property rights, build partnerships and resource mobilization for the Agency’s programs.
Ian is an ICT, Innovation and Public Policy professional with 13 years progressive and diverse range of experience in both private and public service, with immersive knowledge of and experience in the national innovation ecosystem, government relations, policy development, stakeholder management, strategic planning, and ICT public policy.
Ian has served in both private and public sector in different roles having worked with Chase Bank Kenya Ltd, Novacom Systems Ltd, Kent IT Clinic and as a pioneering staff of Konza Technopolis Development Authority most recently.
During his time at Konza Technopolis, Ian pioneered the Konza Innovation Ecosystem Initiative, a quadruple-helix initiative geared towards developing a synergized Kenyan Innovation Ecosystem. He also played a key role in winning the bid to host the prestigious International Association of Science Parks (IASP) Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.
Ian has experience in organizing and executing innovation challenges, has served as a judge in innovation competitions and has offered mentorship to startups in the ecosystem. In his previous role he led innovation programs at Konza Technopolis towards building a cohesive startup and innovation ecosystem for the country.
Mr. Korongo currently also serves as the Secretary to the Board of the Green and Digital Innovation Hub (gDIH), where KeNIA is a consortium member, a multi-institution innovation hub based at Konza Technopolis.
Mr. Korongo holds a first-class honors Bachelor of Business Information Technology from Strathmore University, a Master’s degree in Information Technology Consultancy from the University of Kent, Canterbury and a Post-graduate certificate in Mechanics of Project Financing from Middlesex University.
Session 1: Presentation: Research Commercialization Guidebook A RISA Perspective
Presentation from RISA fund facilitated by Emeline Skinner of FCDO
Speech by Agnes Tsuma Program lead - RISA Fund
Viktoria Solutions Limited Ms. Maureen Ochako R2C Accelerator Beneficiary
Presentation by University of Ghana Business School Dr. George Acheampong Beneficiary Video
Presentation by Amma Lartey Beneficiary Video
Presentation by University of Gondar Dr. Daniel Nigussie
Mark Lawler Team Leader
All RISA Grantees present
Rough introduction to the session by Wangechi Wahome, Anza Village
Speech about IP from ARIPO Representative – Dr. Byson Sabola
Frank Kahindi/Rich Allela
Table format - IP Caffé on: IP protection and technology adoption. IP & Market Access WIPO Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources, and Associated Traditional Knowledge.
Coordinated by TJ Airo Anza Village
Key take aways from the session by Sisule Musungu, Anza Village
Presentation by Ms. Caroline Ayuya, Daystar University
The perspective of potential collaborations presentation by Dr. Joshua Mutambi Commissioner- Processing and Marketing at Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives - Uganda.
Video 5 minutes
Presentation by CBaaS Partner, Dr. Kevit Desai
Closing remarks from Ian Korongo- Manager, Innovation and Commercialization, Kenya National Innovation Agency.
Innovation Ecosystem Summit.
Regions, Countries, and Organizations develop visionary plans to serve as a roadmap and to provide a structure for relevant stakeholders to align their efforts towards a common goal. This session will explore the journey, successes, and challenges of visions and masterplans, with specific attention to what it takes to sustain the momentum and tracking the progress. The session focuses on Kenya Vision 2030 and the Kenya 10–year Innovation Masterplan.
An innovation cluster is a grouping of industry leaders, innovative startups (entrepreneurs), government, academia and investors operating in a particular sector or region. These organizations work together to stimulate innovation and competitive advantages. The session will explore the aspirations of developing and supporting clustering of the national innovation system.
Kenya has defied a global funding drought for budding companies to post a significant growth of new start-up investments, doing better than the other Big 3 in Africa (Nigeria, South Africa and Egypt) to be the continent’s largest destination for start-up financing. Conversely, global reports indicate that Kenyan startups have limited access to funding. It may be that the startups have not figured well how to access the funding, or indeed there lacks appropriate financial instruments. The session will have a debate followed by a presentation on matters of access to funding.
Presentation: Enos Waswa - Country Director, UK-Kenya Tech Hub, British High Commission - “Access to Market for innovation/startups”. A closing presentation on access to markets with an emphasis on sustainability and growth; locally, regionally and globally. The lessons learned and how to maximize and optimize. This will be relevant, particularly given the presence of the AfCFTA secretariat and network.
The Students’ Innovation Track is aimed at fostering creativity, entrepreneurship, and problem-solving skills among students. It is also a platform for students from various educational institutions to showcase their innovative ideas, collaborate with like-minded peers, and gain valuable insights from industry experts.
Energizer, Expectation setting, Agenda, Partner recognitions
experience sharing from the innovation tour Recap from the visits Students listening post: Entrepreneurship education and innovation
Discussion between the CS of Education, Learners, and Teachers moderated by Wavumbuzi
Reflection and Q& A
Breakout session per Student category i.e. Primary/High/College/University to discuss Design Thinking for Learners
Learner Centred session to discuss the role of Teachers in driving Innovation and Entrepreneurship Features: SEF STEM Samaj Mpesa Foundation Global Peace Foundation Wavumbuzi Tech Kidz
Involves Wavumbuzi Ceremony Awards/ STEM fest
The Network of Innovation Agencies in Africa (IAA) is a collaborative initiative to promote and advance innovation across the African continent. The network brings together national and regional innovation agencies, research institutions, policymakers, and other stakeholders to foster innovation ecosystems, drive economic growth, and address local and regional development challenges through innovation-driven solutions.
Erika is a Professor of Economics and is currently the Chair holder of the DSI/NRF Trilateral Research Chair in Transformative Innovation, the 4IR & Sustainable Development, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Sustainable Development, based at the College of Business and Economics (University of Johannesburg) and in partnership with ACTS and SPRU. Her research unit at the University of Johannesburg is formed by a dynamic team of national and international researchers that engages in cutting-edge research; builds the capacity of younger scholars to help develop the next generation of African thinkers leading transformative change; and engages with policy makers, key stakeholders and research partners, to influence policy change. Trained as an Economist, she holds a Masters in Science and Technology Policy by the Science and Policy Research Unit (University of Sussex), and a doctorate in Development Studies from the University of Oxford.
An in-depth presentation by UJ-TRCTI on the landscape of Innovation in Africa and network of Innovation Agencies in Africa setting the stage for discussions.
Panels featuring selected innovation agencies, Government, Funders and other key actors, sharing practical African experiences and insights on how the network can be leveraged in Africa for regional collaboration, access to regional markets and to grow sustainable innovation.
Smaller group discussions to facilitate focused dialogue on specific agenda of the network and strategies for activation.
Anchored in its Kenya 10-Year Innovation Masterplan, the Kenya National Innovation Agency (KeNIA) with its key partners will host the inaugural Kenya Start-Up Summit at Kenya Innovation Week – Africa Edition 2024. The Masterplan emphasizes key pillars—human capital, access to finance, access to markets, infrastructure, and policy—essential for building an ecosystem that catalyzes high-impact innovations capable of disrupting industries, opening new markets, and transforming how we live and work As a leading force within the National Innovation Ecosystem, we recognize the synergy between entrepreneurship and innovation, and the potential for visionary entrepreneurs to accelerate economic growth, improve livelihoods, and drive sustainable development.
Eston Kimani is the CEO of Africa’s Talking, a major technology company that provides APIs for mobile communication services across Africa. Since co-founding the company, Kimani has led efforts to create accessible tools for businesses to integrate SMS, USSD, voice, and mobile payments into their operations, effectively streamlining mobile technology for both small startups and large enterprises. Africa’s Talking supports around 5,000 companies, from local startups to larger entities, providing scalable infrastructure that allows businesses to reach customers with basic and advanced mobile features across 18 African nations.
Keynote Speech- Building a Legacy of Innovation: The Role of High-Impact, Ethical Entrepreneurs in Driving Social Change
Discussions on: - Bridging the gap between policy and innovation- - Government-backed support programs for Start-Ups - Regulatory challenges and opportunities for startups - Q&A/ Reflections
• Turning Collaboration into Revenue • Corporate-Sponsored Programs • Building Strong Corporate Relationships Q&A/ Reflections
Pitch Event Select startups to present their innovative solutions in concise pitches to an audience of industry leaders, government representatives, regulators, and potential customers. 8 Start-Ups (5 Mins Presentation)
The program aims to encourage & grow institutions' potential to develop, promote, nurture and drive sustainable innovation & entrepreneurial ecosystems within the institutions and by extension the country.
I am a strategic and initiative driven Projects Management Professional with over 10 years of experience. My background in Economics and Finance has acted as a stepping stone to my passion which is in management of projects and operations. I am skilled in Project Management and Implementation, Grant and Fund Management, Writing of winning proposals, Business Planning, Report Writing ,Work Plan Management, Budgeting Process and Implementation and Credit Analysis.
I am interested in Project/Program Management roles both in the corporate and humanitarian sectors.
The Hits and Misses – The Role of Universities in Shaping Entrepreneurial Success Christine Maina - CEO, East Africa Venture Capital Association (EAVCA)
Tea Break
MoU between (KeNIA, KNEIL and EAVCA)
Launch of Report on Developing Funding Frameworks for Universities -Supported by RISA
Perspectives from KNEIL. Key Highlights and Strategic Goals from the Masterplans from 14 universities.
Speeches: Eng. John Tanui, MBS, PS - State Department for ICT and the Digital Economy. Dr. Beatrice Muganda Inyangala, PS, the State Department for Higher Education and Research. Ministry of Education, Kenya
Group Photo
The primary focus of the summit is to explore how Generative AI—artificial intelligence that can create new content, ideas, and solutions—can be leveraged as a powerful cultural and educational agent in Kenya Africa.The summit aims to bridge the gap between technology and local socio-economic needs, positioning generative AI as a tool for positive social change. Attendees will leave with an enriched understanding of how to develop and implement AI solutions that are inclusive, resilient, and geared toward sustainable development, ultimately contributing to a more adaptable and culturally rich future for Kenya and beyond.
Mary Clare Kidenda Doctor in Design and Visual Arts and the Academic Team Leader, in the Department of Design and Creative Media, School of Creative Arts and Media at The Technical University of Kenya. Mary Clare is a member of the Design Association of Kenya (DeSK) and Arts Council of the African Studies (ACASA). She is an associate member of UNESCO UNITWIN (University Twinning and Networking) and a Member of Exploring Visual Cultures, panel of Experts. Mary Clare is a committed academician, well knowledgeable in her subject which she competently delivers to her audience in the interaction of aesthetic systems driven by market economy. Clare is a problem solver with self-driven hands on leadership and management skill, with interests in capacity building through mentorship, guiding and empowerment for the youth and community around her
Talk on the Motto, Technical University of Kenya's motto is Education and Training for the Real World. The discussion in this session will be about resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods in Kenya” as guided b y the university motto and the goals for this session.
Hybrid Workshop by Prof. Dr Benjamin Jörissen of Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany, to facilitate the adverse uses of AI in navigating different situations and possible biases.
Plenary, discussions, and debates on resilient and Sustainable Livelihoods in Africa.
Kenya National Innovation Agency (KeNIA) strengthens interrelationships between actors in order to promote innovation and enterprise development. This includes coordinating the establishment and implementation of appropriate policies, standards, processes, infrastructure, and partnerships to nurture innovative ideas. The agency also works with partners to ensure appropriate prioritisation, relevant capacity development, and recognition/profiling of innovations. The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to develop solutions may bring tremendous benefits and opportunities, though it also carries threats and risks in utilisation, capacity, ability and availability to harness its potential for both wealth creation and job creation. KeNIA’s role is in coordinating stakeholders who can build capacity, develop policies, obtain resources (such as data) and use AI to benefit Kenya. Kenya Innovation Week is the Agency’s flagship initiative to convene the ecosystem. The Agency thus plans to convene the ecosystem before, during and after Kenya Innovation Week in support of the Agency’s goals. The Agency does not aim to develop policies, directly support innovators, or invest in capacity building or obtaining data/similar resources; but to convene stakeholders who are working in those spaces to improve coordination and alignment, generate synergies and share best practices amongst other objectives.
At Huawei since 2014, and based in Nairobi since 2016, Adam is currently responsible for working with governments, intergovernmental organizations, NGOs, the media and other stakeholders with a focus on Kenya and East Africa region. Adam helps these groups understand how to use ICT for development in their strategies, policies, and programs, as well as develop partnerships, projects, training programs, and other cross-sector collaborations with various actors in the ICT ecosystem.
Previously, Adam was based in Huawei’s HQ as a Director for Corporate Sustainable Development. Prior to working for Huawei, Adam worked for Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) for more than 6 years, based in Beijing. He worked with both multinational and domestic companies, NGOs and foundations on sustainability strategy, stakeholder engagement and strategic philanthropy initiatives. Before BSR, Adam led Plan International’s Corporate Partnerships function in China, and during several years at AIESEC in Mainland China and the UK, Adam led efforts to teach students about sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.
Poster Visit (to know who is in the room and what they do/offer) as a way of doing introductions
Welcome and Keynote speeches reviewing the current situation – where are we in Africa on AI (Policies, Applications, Infrastructure, Skills, Data, Research, etc).
How are you using AI, what challenges do you face using AI, what support do you need, how to fund AI etc.
Learning AI, teaching AI, and AI support for research, innovation, and commercialisation of AI.
Ethical considerations of AI and policy responses, policy options and ideas for an enabling environment for use of AI.
<p><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">Innovation hubs, conveners, and associations working on AI</span></p>
Wrap-up and next steps. </p><p>Award Giving and Announcements.
Hackathon: Coding competition to develop a solution to an existing problem across 4 sectors - ClimateTech, EdTech, FinTech and HealthTech)
Chido is a venture builder, entrepreneur and young professional with experience working in African early stage and scaling ventures
Workshops held on different days to address the key areas of the hackathon: ClimateTech, EdTech, FinTech and HealthTech.
The participants of the hackathon will have 48 hours to develop codes that use AI to provide solutions in the given sectors - ClimateTech, EdTech, FinTech and HealthTech.
Provided solutions are judged by professionals selected to oversee the competition and winners selected.
Winners of the summit will be announced at the AI Summit on the 28th of November, 2024.
The East Africa Design Thinking Summit is a pioneering event designed to showcase and promote the power of design thinking in fostering innovation, collaboration, and problem-solving. The Summit is designed to inspire innovative thinking, foster collaboration, and provide practical tools for university leaders to implement design thinking in their institutions both for internal innovations and for empowerment of their graduates towards becoming innovative and entrepreneurial
Prof. Wanja Mwaura-Tenambergen is an Associate Professor of Health Systems Management. Her main interest is in health financing under the aspect of improved access to primary care health services, especially in rural areas of low- and middle-income countries. Prof. Tenambergen is an accomplished and visionary leader in higher education. With over 15 years of experience, she has held various administrative roles and has consistently demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and student success.
Prof. Tenambergen holds a PhD and Master in Public Health (Health Financing) both from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand, MSc. in Management and Organizational Development from the United States International University-Africa, Nairobi Kenya, and a Bachelor of Arts from Kenyatta University, Kenya.
Prof. Tenambergen previously served as the Chairperson of the Department of Health Systems Management in Kenya Methodist University (KeMU), where she spear-headed the development of training curricula for undergraduate, masters and PhD studies in health systems management in Kenya. She was the country coordinator for the collaborative projects between Kenya Methodist University (Kenya), Neu Ulm University of Applied Sciences (Germany), University of Western Cape (South Africa), and Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (Tanzania), to develop multiple country training programs in
health information management and health data analytics with the support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation.
Prof. Tenambergen served as the Director of Research, Innovation and Extension in KeMU where she guaranteed the quality of research in the university for students and faculty. She has been involved in numerous research projects. She previously held the position of Director
of University Advancement and Marketing and was member of the Governing Board of the Directorate of Quality Assurance and Performance in KeMU. As a respected scholar in her field, Prof. Wanja has published extensively on topics related to strengthening the management of health systems.
Prof. Tenambergen has deep passion to improve learning and teaching in higher education. Her vision is to provide relevant inputs to the advancement of higher education through transformational teaching & research methods. She is the current Chairperson of the Association of Faculty Enrichment in Learning and Teaching (AFELT). She advocates for creating partnerships with organizations and the community to advance quality in learning, teaching and research. She believes that teaching and learning has be closely linked to the problems in the community and their solutions.
Introduction of the summit’s theme and objectives Importance of design thinking in Higher Education
Introduce the concept of design thinking and set the stage for the summit Design Thinking's impact on graduate skills and employability
Keynote Speech- “The Power of Design Thinking in Education” An inspirational talk on how design thinking has been applied successfully in various sectors and its potential to revolutionize higher education
A dynamic discussion on how design thinking can be applied to redesign university campuses, enhance student experiences, and address current challenges Q&A/ Reflections What is the role of design thinking preparing future-ready graduates?
Tea Break
Participants will engage in empathy mapping exercises to understand the diverse needs and experiences of students, faculty, and staff. Q&A/ Reflections If you could implement one design-thinking initiative on your university to tackle both current and future challenges, what would it be?
Closing Remarks and Next Steps
This event is the culmination of the Agritech4Kenya Innovation Challenge Bootcamp, which will bring together 25 teams to pitch their innovations. It is a unique opportunity for innovation teams to connect with potential investors and partners, advancing the development of their innovative solutions. Participants will have the opportunity to network, share knowledge, and gain valuable insights from industry experts.
Gianpiero Menza, PhD, is an International Development Professional with expertise in business strategy, management, entrepreneurship, development finance, stakeholder engagement, and resource mobilization. He serves as Senior Manager for Partnerships & Innovative Finance at Alliance/CGIAR. In this role, Gianpiero forges strategic collaborations between the public and private sectors, cultivate and steward relationships with governmental institutions including Italy, research centers, and universities, and coordinate the Alliance and CGIAR's engagement with G7 and G20 Presidencies. He also contributes actively to global processes like the United Nations on Climate Change (UNFCCC CoP).
Gianpiero has served in senior global positions with the United Nations, and the private sector. Before being selected as Junior Professional Officer of UNDESA in 2016 and assigned to Bioversity/CGIAR in Rome (Italy), he honed his skills as a business consultant in Boston and New York (USA), and as a private sector analyst with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Geneva (Switzerland). He has demonstrated commitment to development on the ground with extensive research experience in key value chains such as cocoa, coffee palm oil, and rubber in western and eastern Africa, as well as an academic interest in mission-oriented innovation and public/private sector partnerships.
Gianpiero's achievements include conceptualizing and launching the CGIAR Accelerate for Impact Platform in 2022. A venture space that nurtures collaboration between scientists and entrepreneurs, driving the development, acceleration, and funding of agri-food and climate-tech solutions. Under his leadership, he manages a dynamic portfolio of global projects within this platform and a team of talented professionals.
Gianpiero holds a Master’s in “Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship” from the Bocconi School of Management, as well as a Ph.D. in “The Economics and Management of Natural Resources” with a thesis on “Unlocking the potential of cross-sector Partnerships: a shared value perspective”, completed as a Junior Visiting Fellow at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. Beyond his professional pursuits, Gianpiero has also a background as an elite athlete, competing both in sailing and triathlon.
Welcome by moderators and opening remarks by Agritech4Kenya Innovation Challenge Partners
The moderator introduces the pitch events and starts the event
The teams in Group 1 pitch Each team has 3min pitch and 5min Q&A
The teams in Group 2 pitch. Each team has 3min pitch and 5min Q&A
Closing Remarks | Participant Certifications
This workshop brings together stakeholders from Africa's innovation and technology sectors to explore effective strategies for enhancing innovation and technology commercialization. The session focuses on locally relevant methods for closing the "lab-to-market" gap, drawing on diverse African perspectives and knowledge systems. Participants will discuss organizational models, cultural values in commercialization, and pathways for achieving market success.
George is an enterprise scholar and consultant specializing in socio-economic issues in Africa. He leads the Africa RITTE Lab, focusing on enterprise-driven development, and convenes the Africa Blue Economy Network and Ghana University Hubs (THINK) Network. George has experience in multiple countries, working with the private sector, NGOs, governments, and international bodies. He has been instrumental in creating the Africa Research and Innovation Commercialization and Innovation Trust Corridor frameworks. George advocates a market-based development approach to driving social and economic change across African communities.
The session focuses on locally relevant methods for closing the "lab-to-market" gap, drawing on diverse African perspectives and knowledge systems. Participants will discuss organizational models, cultural values in commercialization, and pathways for achieving market succes
A coding and programming competition to develop solutions to current climate issues.
Joseph Manirakiza is a development professional with 15+ years of experience in private sector development, innovation fund management, academia, and development finance.
Introduction to the session and the goals for the hackathon
Presentation on the trilateral Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Partnership highlighting the significance of cross-border collaboration.
Teams to pitch their ideas. 8 minutes per team: 5 minutes for the pitch + 3 minutes for Q&A with judges. Teams will present: The problem they are solving. Innovative solution and how it addresses the problem. Feasibility and scalability of the idea. Impact potential across regions
While judges deliberate, the audience will enjoy a fireside chat or discussion featuring Mentors and partners from the participating HLIs, focusing on lessons learned, challenges, and how the partnership drives innovation commercialization.
Closing Remarks from the VC
Fireside chat on monetizing talents along side live performance
George Masila is a seasoned communications professional with over 9 years of experience in the innovation and startup ecosystem. He currently serves as the Communications Lead at the Kenya National Innovation Agency (KeNIA), where he plays a pivotal role in shaping narratives around innovation, mobilising partnerships, and fostering engagement with diverse stakeholders.
Throughout his career, George has demonstrated versatility as a startup founder, community manager, partnerships and resource mobilisation lead, and project manager for various innovation support programs and startup accelerators. His expertise extends beyond Kenya, with hands-on experience working in Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria, and Zambia.
George combines creativity, strategic communication, and effective project management. He has successfully implemented over 10 development projects in collaboration with various partners, including donors, governments, private sector players, development agencies, academia, and the media.
George’s passion for innovation and storytelling drives his mission to connect people, ideas, and opportunities, contributing to the growth of sustainable ecosystems in Africa.
As urbanization continues to accelerate worldwide, the concept of Smart Cities has emerged as a critical framework for creating more sustainable, livable, and efficient urban environments. A Smart City is one that integrates digital technologies and data-driven solutions to enhance the quality of life for its citizens, improve urban services, and contribute to environmental sustainability. At the core of this concept lies the belief that technology and innovation can be harnessed to address pressing urban challenges, including resource management, energy efficiency, waste reduction, transportation systems, and climate resilience. In this context, Smart Cities are increasingly viewed as drivers of sustainable innovation, leveraging advanced technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, 5G connectivity, cloud computing, and blockchain to optimize city operations and improve the well-being of urban populations.
John Paul Okwiri is the CEO of Konza Technopolis Development Authority, where he is leading the development of Kenya’s premier smart city and technology hub with a mission to transform Kenya into a knowledge-based economy. He has extensive experience in managing technology-driven urban development programs and partnerships across sectors to drive investment, innovation, and digital inclusion.
His focus on sustainable development, digital transformation, and skills-building underscores his commitment to making Konza Technopolis a leading innovation hub in Africa, a catalyst for economic growth and technological advancement and central pillar in Kenya’s Silicon Savannah vision.
Opening remarks by Mercy Kimalat, CEO- ASSEK.
Speech from John Okwiri, CEO - Konza Technopolis
Speech by Caroline Kiarie- Kimondo, Head of Unit of Accelerator Lab, UNDP Kenya
Members of the panel include: Josephine Ndambuki, Chief Manager, Business Development and Innovation, Konza Technopolis Evelyn Koech - Team Leader, Environment and Resilience Unit, UNDP Kenya David Cheboryot – Director, E4Impact Entrepreneurship Centres
Fireside Chat: An interactive session to discuss the collaborative approach to strengthen the startup and SME Ecosystem to achieve equitable socio-economic development
Feedback and Reflections for the Session guided by Mercy Kimalat, CEO - ASSEK
Vote of thanks from a representative of UNDP
Closing Remarks from a representative of Konza Technopolis
This session is designed to keep participants actively involved, showcase African greentech innovations, and provide a collaborative space for learning and strategic planning. The mix of structured and unstructured elements also encourages networking and strengthens the community of greentech stakeholders across Africa.
Mercy is a seasoned leader with over a decade of experience in building and nurturing the African Innovation and Entrepreneurship ecosystem through diverse engagements and initiatives to strengthen the capacities of entrepreneurship actors for standardization of support and facilitation of investments and markets increase ease of doing business in Africa and developing capacities of entrepreneurship actors to facilitate investments and markets. As the Founding CEO of ASSEK, she represents over 150 entrepreneur support organizations, advocating for the growth and development of startups and SMEs in Kenya and beyond the borders. Her background includes roles such as Partnerships & Communications Manager at Entrepreneurship for Impact Foundation, where she supported the expansion of programs across 20 African countries, and Senior Programme Manager at the African Management Institute, achieving significant skill improvement in management staff across East Africa. She has also contributed to projects in healthcare, such as implementing online Health Management Systems in Kenyan hospitals. Mercy's passion lies in equipping leaders and entrepreneurs with the necessary tools to thrive, especially in challenging environments like the Covid-19 pandemic. Additionally, she serves as an advisor for various brands, demonstrating her commitment to fostering growth and innovation in the business community.
Interactive session led by Victor Apollo - Head of Solutions Mapping, UNDP Kenya
Start-ups share about their organizations and what they do
Panelists included: Yvonne Nyokabi – Climate Change Specialist, UNDP Federico Naccarato – Head of Innovation, WFP Kenya Susan Wanjiku - Innovation and Investment Fund Manager, GIZ Mark Ameyo – Impact Investment, Kenya Climate Ventures Harriet Kariuki – Innovation and Technology, Equity Group Foundation
Snapshot of Timbuktoo GreenTech Hub
Exploring ways to strengthen the Pan-African Green Tech Community led by Mercy Kimalat – CEO, ASSEK
Remarks from Madelena Monoja - Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP Kenya
ESOs and Investors interact and leave at their own pleasure
This event unveils and introduces the health-tech regulatory sandbox as a policy and regulatory solution to the challenges faced by Kenya’s innovators and regulators. A regulatory sandbox is a framework organised and administered under a regulator’s oversight to enhance innovation and to enable testing for products, services and business models, waiving, exempting or relaxing the usual regulatory supervision with appropriate safeguards, including for consumer protection. The event will unveil a proposed blueprint of a health-tech regulatory sandbox and invite stakeholders to co-create the sandbox.
Dr Jeremmy Okonjo is a legal and policy practitioner, researcher and lecturer with expertise and interests in international economic law, the digital economy, innovation law and policy, and regulatory law and policy. He is an Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Warwick, and an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. Dr Okonjo has advised various governments and international organizations on the legal and policy frameworks for innovation and the digital economy, including the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the UK governments’ Department for Science Innovation and Technology (DSIT), Department on Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), and the Kenya National Innovation Agency. Dr Okonjo is currently a Research Fellow at Villgro Africa’s East Africa Biosciences Fellowship
Overview by Dr Robert Karanja
Presentation by Dr Jeremmy Okonjo
Dr Jeremmy Okonjo/Sandbox Modelling Team
The AYuTe Kenya 2024 Pitching Grand Finale marks the culmination of the AYuTe Africa Challenge Kenya, an initiative of Heifer International Kenya. Ten innovators will pitch their agritech ideas, competing for cash grants to propel their innovations to the next level.
Francis Mwangi is the Communications Manager at Heifer Kenya, where he combines his expertise in communication with a strong commitment to fostering innovation and digital technologies. Holding a Bachelor's in Development Communication and a Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management, Francis is a results-driven professional who executes impactful stories, promotes advocacy, and builds strong stakeholder relations.
A champion for innovation, Francis is passionate about promoting stories about leveraging digital solutions to transform agricultural and community landscapes. Known for his hands-on approach, he captures authentic voices from the field to showcase the real-world impact. His extensive experience spans work with both international and local NGOs, including Heifer International, Concern Worldwide, Kenya Human Rights Commission, The Institute for Social Accountability, International IDEA, and the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission.
Francis brings additional strengths in project management, governance, and team leadership, making him a key figure in advancing communications that drive both engagement and innovation.
Setting the stage for young agritech innovators to showcase their solutions and agricultural challenges and emphasise the role of innovation and technology in driving agricultural transformation in Kenya and greater Africa.
Goal of session: To build a shared understanding of the opportunities and challenges from the perspective of the youth and generate recommendations to empower young African changemakers in the agricultural ecosystem.
Goal of the session To provide an in-depth look at the 2024 AYuTe journey, highlighting Heifer’s innovator partners, recognizing the efforts of key judges, and detailing the process and framework for the vetting through different stages.
Goal of the session To showcase innovative agritech solutions from the 2024 AYuTe Kenya top finalists
Judges Deliberations for Track 2 Lunch and Expo visit AYuTe/Heifer Videos play
Goal of session: To share an inspiring journey of transformation, highlighting the human side of innovation and technology in agriculture—passion, challenges, and rewards.
To showcase innovative agrotech solutions from the 2024 AyuTe Kenya to Finalists.
Goal of the session: To conclude the Grand Finale 2024 AYuTe Kenya Pitching by outlining the following steps, and celebrating the journey of all participants